We launched our Lent Course 2020 at Christ Church yesterday. We gave out LiveLent booklets for adults and kids with the #LiveLent 40-day challenge as we seek to Care for God’s Creation. We are also encouraging people to sign up for the Church of England daily #liveLent email here or to download the #LiveLent app.
We will be following the themes from the Church of England #LiveLent course in our sermons on Sundays for 6 weeks starting on Sunday 23rd February based on Ruth Valerio’s book, ‘Saying Yes to Life’.
Our Connect groups will be following the course that we have written ourselves to go with the Church of England materials. It can be downloaded from the Southwark Diocese website here and hard copies will be given out to everyone in a Connect group.
If you are not already in a Connect group, why not try one for Lent? Contact Margaret at vicar@christchurcheastgreenwich to find out more.