Current Weekly Events:


10am: Worship Service – in church and live streamed on Facebook and YouTube

Our morning service of worship every Sunday morning with music, bible readings, a talk, prayers, and Holy Communion. The service is led by the Revd. John Pout, with contributions from different members of the clergy team and congregation.

If you are unable to join us in church at the moment, you can join us for these weekly services on our Facebook page (remember to ‘like’ the page to get alerts and reminders) or YouTube channel. All the services are also recorded and available to watch later on the Live Stream Worship page on the website.

You can still view previous services on our Facebook and Youtube pages. There is a different focus each week, for example, talks or live worship music… there are links on our Live Stream Worship page!


10am-midday: Coffee, cake & chat

All are welcome to come along for good coffee , cakes , chat, read the paper, or magazines, deepen friendships and make new ones.


8.30-9.15am: Weekly Prayer Zoom Meeting

To join the meeting, click here!

6-7.30pm: Huddle

The Huddle is the parish youth group which runs on Friday, 6-7.30pm

Open to all who are secondary school aged, join us to round off and wind down from your week in the company of friendly and trusting faces.