Sunday Children and Young People

Encounter God

Sunday Children and Young People (CYP) meets on Sunday mornings apart from the first Sunday in the month when everyone meets together in the church. Sunday CYP meets in four groups:
– Sparrows (pre-school)
– Owls (Reception and Key Stage 1)
– Eagles (Key Stage 2)
– Sunday Huddle (Key Stage 3 and 4)

Sunday CYP meets every Sunday morning during term time, apart from on the first Sunday of the month when there is an All Age service, or on special Festival services such as Mothering Sunday. Additionally Sunday Huddle does not meet on the third Sunday of the month, where instead they remain in the service with the rest of the church family.

The aim of Sunday CYP is to provide a positive and engaging experience, where the children are invited to encounter God for themselves as they are led by people of God in an age-appropriate setting.

Junior Church is led by Sue Hall who can be contacted on Sunday Huddle is led by John, Tim and Pam.