We had an amazing time.Thank you so much. Brilliant acting and story telling.
Schools Ministry
Koinonia Federation
As a parish we have a close relationship with the Koinonia Federation of St Mary Magdalene CE School and Christ Church CE primary school. Revd Margaret Cave (Team Rector) is one of the Co Vice-Chairs of Governors, Judith Eastaugh (Parish Treasurer) is one of the Co-Chairs of Governors and Sue Hall (Christ Church congregation) is a foundation governor.
Members of our Parish Ministry Team go into all the school sites to lead Collective Worship. The Koinonia Federation has a three-year cycle of themes for Collective Worship. Revd Margaret also goes to St Mary Magdalene to lead whole school Eucharists. Classes from across the Koinonia Federation visit Christ Church school for workshops on a variety of themes such as Christmas and Easter.
You can find out more about the Koinonia Federation at www.koinoniafederation.com.
Christ Church CE primary school
Every half term Christ Church school comes to church for a special service. The service is usually based on a special theme such as Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. Lots of parents and carers come along and sit in the balcony. The children lead parts of the service with drama, dance readings and prayers and one of the Clergy or our Children and Families Minister gives a short talk.
We regularly lead Collective Worship at Christ Church school on Tuesday mornings. This often involves drama, film, special effects as well as prayer and singing. One of the members of the Parish Ministry Team goes into school in advance of the service to meet with the pupil faith team to plan and write the prayers.
Classes from Christ Church school are encouraged to visit the church regularly and we have delivered sessions on Christmas, Easter, Jonah and Special Places of Worship. We receive excellent feedback from the children about their visits to Church.
Once a month one of our Parish Ministry Team goes into school to greet parents at the gate in the morning and then hold a time of prayer for pupils. Pupils join together to pray for their school, world issues, their families and friends. This is a popular activity and is a wonderful expression of the pupil’s growing spiritual lives.
Charlton Deanery Schools Project
The Charlton Deanery Schools Project aims to support the building of links between our deanery churches and local schools. The parish plays an active role in this project and Christ Church hosts the ‘Christmas Journey’ for year 2 classes and the ‘Easter Journey’ for year 5 classes. The project has also taken an Easter Play into our deanery schools with members of the cast from our parish. The schools project encourages class visits to the churches and church involvement in our deanery schools through leading Collective Worship or Assembly.