APCM 2023
APCM 2023: Monday 24th April at 7.30pm for an 8pm start at Christ Church.
Click here for the Notice of Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Electoral Roll
The period for refreshing the Electoral Roll has ended and the new electoral role (names only) is available here. Please check over it and let Michael know about any mistakes.
From 10th April we are open to nominations for election of laity to leadership roles at the AGM on 24th April. The roles open are:
- 2 x Churchwarden
- 3 x 3 years on PCC
- 4 x DCC (1 year).
- Deanery Synod
If you wish to stand for any of these posts please do as follows:
- Download the appropriate nomination form from below, complete it INCLUDING signatures from your proposer and seconder.
- Also download, complete and sign
- the Fit and Proper person form and
- the Trustee information sheet (but not if you are standing for DCC)
- The three forms should be handed to the church office
Nomination for DCC: Word doc. | PDF
Nomination for PCC: Word doc. | PDF
Nomination of Church Wardens: Word doc. | PDF
Fit and proper persons help sheet and declaration form
Information Sheet for New Trustees of the PCC: Word doc. | PDF
Annual Trustees Report:
Click here to view the Annual Trustees’ Report
Click here to view the Independent Examiner’s Report